International BTX

Students who take the IB at Les Alzines Institution during the second year can apply for the accreditation of the IB degree at UNEDasiss

Curricular route recognized worldwide that offers a high quality academic and educational program.

Students who take the IB at the Les Alzines Institution can enter Catalan public universities with the best grade in the two baccalaureates taken.

At Les Alzines Institution we have been offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program since 2008. Students who take the IB at Les Alzines Institution obtain a double high school qualification.

On the one hand, the National BTX (valid for access to Catalan public universities after taking the Selectivity) and on the other the International BTX (valid for access to foreign universities). In addition, if accreditation is carried out with UNEDasiss, the IB degree is also valid for access to public universities throughout Spain, including Catalan ones.


  • Very small groups in many of the modality subjects.
  • The reasoning of all procedures, collaborative and participative work is mainly sought.
  • Mastery of the tools and technologies specific to each modality subject.
  • Students can choose to do the compacted schedule (from 8am to 4:45pm with two free afternoons) or to do the non-compacted schedule (from 9am to 4:45pm every day).

Double access to Catalan universities:

Students who take the IB at Les Alzines Institution during the second year can apply for the accreditation of the IB degree at UNEDasiss, in this way the degree is also recognized in public universities throughout the state spanish With this accreditation, when they register at Catalan universities, through Unportal of the Generalitat de Catalunya, they will be counted, for access to the Catalan public university, with the highest grade obtained. The UNEDasiss accreditation only entails the student: the application within the established period and the payment of the official UNED fees.

If any student is interested in accessing public universities outside Catalonia (for example, Valencia, Madrid...) or abroad, you can request more specific information in coordination with the International BTX of the Les Alzines Institution.

Profile of students belonging to the IB learning community:

The fundamental aim of the IB Diploma Program is to train internationally minded people who, aware of the condition that unites them as human beings and of the responsibility they share to look after the planet, contribute to creating a better and more peaceful

At Les Alzines Institution, as members of the IB learning community, we strive to train students:

  • Inquisitive: they know how to learn independently and together with others. They learn with enthusiasm and maintain that eagerness to learn.
  • Informed and instructed: they explore knowledge in a variety of disciplines. They engage with ideas and issues of local importance.
  • Thinkers: use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and act responsibly on complex problems. They act on their own initiative in making reasonable and ethical decisions.
  • Good communicators: they express themselves confidently and creatively in several languages. They listen carefully to the perspectives of other people and groups.
  • Integral: they assume responsibility for their own actions and their consequences. They act with a sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity and rights of people throughout the world.
  • Open-minded: they develop a critical appreciation of their own culture and history, as well as the values ​​and traditions of others.
  • Solidarity: they show empathy, sensitivity and respect. They are committed to helping others.
  • Daring: they show resourcefulness and resilience when faced with change and challenges.
  • Balanced: they understand the importance of physical, mental and emotional balance to achieve their own well-being and that of others.
  • Reflective: they strive to understand their strengths and weaknesses in order, in this way, to contribute to their learning and personal development.

The Diploma Program encourages students to adopt an active learning attitude throughout their lives, to be compassionate and to understand that other people, with their differences, can also be in the certainty.

Composition of the Diploma Program:

The curriculum contains six groups of subjects and a common core: Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), the Monograph and Theory of Knowledge (TdC). The subject groups and core components are shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: International Baccalaureate Diploma Program model.

The groups of subjects that can be taken at the Les Alzines Institution are:

  • Language and Literature Studies: Catalan
  • Language acquisition: English
  • Individuals and Societies: History and Philosophy.
  • Sciences: Biology, Sports and health sciences, Physics and Chemistry.
  • Mathematics: Analysis and approach and Applications and interpretations.

Emilia Ferran explaining her experience of the International BTX

Global competence