2nd BTX year - Informative session solidarity trip

17 de Nov 2022 de 20:30 h a 21:30 h
Col·legi Les Alzines, Camí Vell de Fornells, 2 Girona 17003
How to get

Dear parents of 2nd btx,

For parents who are interested in your daughter's end-of-year charity trip to Nairobi, Kenya, we announce the informational meeting that will take place on Thursday, November 17, at 8:30 p.m., in the school library.

The agenda will be as follows:

  • Organizing Committee
  • Number of places
  • price
  • Approximate dates
  • General information about the trip

In order to help defray the expenses of the trip and to be able to collaborate financially with the organization that welcomes us, so that we can improve its resources, during the course many types of solidarity activities will be carried out, led by the students 4th year of ESO, 1st and 2nd year of Btx. We will inform you about them so that you can participate in this school project, which already started at the time with the solidarity trip to Peru and which we want to have continuity year after year.

We inform you that attendance at the meeting is essential in order for your daughter to participate in the aforementioned trip.

Yours faithfully,

Anna Farró