What is the true impact of screens on our youngest sons and daughters?

Dear families,

We share the video of the seminar "Pantallas y cerebro infantil". Guías para un crecimiento equilibrado" carried out by the Fundación Aprender a Mirar. Moderated by Rosa M. Aguilar, the seminar formulates many of the questions that parents often ask us about the use and exposure to screens of our youngest sons and daughters: When can they see screens? What can they see and what can't they? Because? For how long? How do they see it? What alternatives can we offer them?

Two great specialists intervene to answer these questions: the neuropediatrician and researcher Virginia Montiel, from the Sant Joan de Déu hospital in Barcelona, ​​and the pediatrician Patricia Suero, from the ABS Collblanc de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat.

We encourage you to see it.

Prepared for the change