Ethical Leadership in Primary - November

Initial cycle

During the month of November in 1st EPRI we will work on the virtue of effort and in 2nd EPRI the virtue of laboriousness.

In the Alzineta Notebook you will find the specific objective of the month and the purpose of spiritual formation.

Middle Cycle

During the month of November we will work on respect for others: "To love, I have to respect others".

The proposal we make consists of viewing one of the shorts you will find below and a reflection activity where we ask you to relate the message of the video to the slogan of the month. It can be documented in A5 size and shared in class.

"You go up and down, that's how life is" 


"The mouse and the grandfather" 

Upper cycle

Through the Personal & Family Project (P&FP) we delve deeper into the 6 character strengths of the AIRISS model from the five dimensions of the person.

This term we will work on Autonomy and Integrity in 5th EPRI and Autonomy and Sociability in 6th EPRI.

Throughout the term, your daughters will bring some activities to do as a family.

Ethical leadership