2nd BACC - Days of reflection

Dear families:

This year, students in the 2nd year of Baccalaureate will have the opportunity to live some voluntary days of reflection to be able to grow in the personal and Christian sphere.

Their purpose will be to reflect and stop to think about the meaning of their own life. It is intended to give a space, time and material to favor personal reflection from an anthropological point of view and focused on the rediscovery of the Christian faith.

The dates of these conferences will be on November Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th, and will take place in El Collell.

They will leave school on Thursday the 18th at 5pm and they will return on Friday the 19th at 5pm, to be able to catch the bus, if it is necessary. The price of the entire trip to Collell is 47.5€ including transportation, dinner on the first day, and breakfast and lunch of the second day. In addition, they will also be given material there.

This money must be taken to the corresponding tutor before Wednesday, November the 17th.

Students who do not attend the Conference must also go to school.

They will have class, but no subject will be advanced.

Any questions, I am at your disposal.

Núria Vilà

Deputy Director of Baccalaureate

Ethical leadership