Primary - May pilgrimages

It is part of the tradition of the Church that in many places the month of May is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In this time, we Christians strive to have Mary more present in our hearts. At school it is tradition to make a visit to the Virgin Mary o pilgrimage to a Shrine.

On Friday, May 31st, the primary school students will go on their pilgrimage to different places according to the courses:

  • 1st: Sta. Maria de Vilabertran and visit to the Figueres Toy Museum.
  • 2nd: Sta. Maria de Vilabertran and visit to the Dalí Museum.
  • 3rd and 4th: Sanctuary of Vilar de Blanes.
  • 5th: Our Lady of the Pietà d'Arbúcies.
  • 6th: Parroquia de l'Estartit and tour with the Nautilus as an activity at the end of the stage.

We will leave school at 9am and return at 4:45 pm.

They must bring breakfast and lunch. They can come dressed in street clothes.

Eli Gomez

Primary School Coordinator

Ethical leadership