Infantil - Session Baby Sign Language

10 de Febr 2023 de 15:30 h a 16:40 h
Col·legi Les Alzines, Camí Vell de Fornells, 2 Girona
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Dear families,

From the school we inform you that, with the intention of continuing to offer the best education for your sons and daughters, we are starting a very promising new program that we will implement in Early Childhood Education (0-3).

It is a method originating in the United States, which has been used for almost 40 years and which, thanks to all the benefits supported by scientific evidence, has spread to more countries. This is Baby Sign Language: a tool that allows babies to communicate long before they are able to speak through simple hand signs.

This method will not only significantly shorten the period of time from birth until the baby learns to communicate, but it will enhance their speech, reduce frustration, increase their self-esteem and provide them with many other benefits.

For this reason, we are inviting you to an informational meeting on Friday the 10 of February at 3.30pm in the psychomotor classroom, where we will explain what The Baby Sign Academy project in Les Alzines is all about, how to get the most out of it at home and resolve any doubts that may arise.

Yours faithfully,

Ana Brell

Deputy director of Infantil