I5 - Tour of the primary school facilities

01 de Marzo 2024 de 16:00 h a 16:40 h
Col·legi Les Alzines, Camí Vell de Fornells, 2 17003 Girona
How to get

Dear families,

Like every school year, we are very excited to be able to take a tour of the Primary facilities and explain to you first-hand the transition from I5 to 1st with all the most important stage changes. It will be on Friday, March 1 at 4 p.m.

You will be able to ask the Primary teachers all the doubts you have and it will also be a good opportunity to start establishing ties with this new school stage.

We will start in the courtyard of the blue house and then we will do the different routes. The form must be filled in before Friday, February 23.

Yours faithfully,

Consol Canals

Deputy Principal Primary