GENERAL - Give a little of yourself

"Dona una mica de tu" is the slogan that comes out after working on solidarity projects by the 4th grade ESO students of Les Alzines.

During the course, the 90 students from the three lines of 4th. of ESO have carried out, in groups, the design of several solidarity projects based on the Sustainable Development Goals. Of all the ones in the class, one of them, the most voted by the rest of the classmates, will take place during the solidarity week that will take place from April 17 to 21.

In addition, the 3rd year ESO students organize their "Donate blood" project as they do every year.

What will we do that solidarity week?

  • Monday, April 17 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., 4th grade of ESO A, organizes a solidarity haircut in order to donate natural hair to the Catalan Cancer Association, which will use it to design wigs for people who suffer from cancer and, as a result of the treatment, lose their hair.

           Video donation natural hair

            To give them there are only two conditions: to have it virgin (that is, natural, without dyes) and to be able to give a minimum of 20 cm.

            Everyone who wants to participate, of all ages, will be welcome from inside and outside the school

  • Tuesday 18 April, II Got Talent solidarity show. The 4th grade students of ESO C have encouraged the Primary students to give their time and show their talent to all their classmates and teachers. The performances will be during the day and all the students and teachers who go to see it will have to make a donation. This money will go to the volunteering that the 2nd year high school students will do in the village of Maramba, Kenya, in June.
  • Wednesday 19 April, Solidarity March (in last week's newsletter there is specific information).
  • Thursday April 20, Dona sang. 3rd ESO students organize a blood collection campaign. They have created the slogan and the logo. During the day, in groups, they will be supporting the organization. The schedule will be from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5:30 pm, and is open to people from inside and outside the school.


Social commitment