Ed. Children 2nd cycle (3-6) – End of year party

16 de Juny 2023 de 15:30 h a 16:45 h
Col·legi Les Alzines, Camí Vell de Fornells, 2 Girona
How to get

Dear families,

On Friday 16 June we will celebrate the end of year party with the boys and girls of I3, I4 and I5. This year we will all enjoy the Black Music show, which is a little big trip by the Girona artist Pau Morales.

The party will take place in the school pavilion at 3:30 p.m.

Boys and girls must come dressed in their summer uniform (grey polo shirt, shorts, navy blue socks and white socks).

You can park your car outside the school.

We would need the boys and girls to wear the following accessories marked with their name during the week of June 5:

  • I4: sunglasses.
  • I5: a straw hat.
  • I3: They don't need to bring anything.

 We look forward to seeing you!

Yours faithfully,

Rossi Pijoan

Coordinator Ed. Infantil Children's