4th of ESO and 1st of BTX

01 de Febr 2024 de 20:30 h a 21:30 h
Institució Les Alzines, Carrer Camí Vell de Fornells, 2, Girona, Espanya
How to get

Dear families,

We are pleased to invite you to the informational meeting about Btx in Les Alzines, which will take place on Thursday, February 1 at 8:30 p.m., in the large classroom of the 2nd year of Btx. Your daughters can also join you, if they so wish.

Here are the parts of the meeting:

8.30pm: "Families and their daughters' university studies: a great opportunity", by Isabel Béjar, university counselor and delegate of the University of Navarra in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.

9:00 p.m.: The National and International Btx in Les Alzines, by Anna Farró, Btx coordinator.

We remind you that if you know a family interested in the Btx in Les Alzines, you can inform us through the personal tutor so that we can also invite them.

After the meeting, there will be refreshments.

We also inform you that in the coming weeks your daughters will also receive different information sessions about the Btx. We will explain to them all the wide offer we have at the school: the National Btx, the International Btx, the compacted, the non-compacted, the different modalities according to the professional orientation, the changes of subjects that they can do within each modality and all the wide range of optional quarterly subjects that we have incorporated with the LOMLOE. In these sessions they will also be able to clarify concepts and resolve doubts.

We hope that all this information is very useful and helps your daughters make the best decisions for their future.

For any questions or clarifications, you can contact your personal tutor or call 972 98 06 06.


Núria Vila

Deputy director of ESO and Btx

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