2º ESO - Sacrament of confirmation

Dear Parents,

From the school we have offered the possibility of preparing the girls who wish it for the Sacrament of Confirmation since some years ago. As you know, wanting to receive this Sacrament and prepare is an important way of wanting to consolidate and strengthen the path started by Baptism.

From Les Alzines we offer a preparation that will begin the second term of 2nd ESO and will end the second term of 3rd ESO.

The preparation plan includes a mini-coexistence of two days in March of 2nd ESO, at a place to be specified, and a training day during school hours for 3rd ESO. In addition, in the course of the different months of preparation, they will receive some sessions in order to better live their Christian life. In this way the preparation is two years, which is what the Church advises.

It would be good, if you could confirm, through your daughters, during this first term, those who are interested in doing the Confirmation with the school, the year that comes to 3rd ESO. In this way, they will be able to receive the necessary preparation for this Sacrament.

In January we will hold a face-to-face meeting for the parents where the school priest, Josep Maria Rovira, will explain the importance of the Sacrament and how to prepare together the Confirmation of his daughters.


Nuria Vilà

Subdirectora ESO y Bachillerato

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