2nd ESO - Morning outing

19 de Marzo 2024 de 10:45 h a 15:00 h
Geieg de Palau, Girona
How to get

Dear 2nd ESO families,

We are pleased to inform you that next March 19 your daughters will have a morning sports outing at the GeieG facilities in Palau.

They will leave school on foot at 10:45 a.m. and will not return until 3:00 p.m. also on foot, for this reason all the students who already have lunch at school as usual will have a picnic prepared for them. Those who do not usually eat there, will have to bring lunch from home. Students will be able to bring their tracksuits from home and wear them throughout the day. They will also need to bring breakfast as usual and a bottle of water.

We hope they enjoy the activity!

Department of Physical Education