2nd BAC - University day

23 de Nov 2023 de 09:00 h a 11:30 h
Auditori Palau de Congressos de Girona, Passeig de la Devesa, Gerona, España
How to get

Dear families,

Next Thurday, November 23, the University Fair, University Day will take place in Girona, organized by FAPEL, the meeting point between families, schools and universities. It is a day in which pre-university students have the opportunity to get to know first-hand a wide range of national and international, public and private universities where they can continue their studies. This edition takes place in the Palau de Congressos Auditorium, in Girona.

The organization informs us of some of the Universities that will attend: ESIC Business Marketing School; the UAB Autonomous University of Barcelona; the UB University of Barcelona; the UIC Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, TSI Turisme Sant Ignasi, UDG Universitat de Girona, UPF Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Abat Oliba, IQS Institut Químic de Sarrià, ESADE Business School; EUHT StPol University School of Hospitality and Tourism, LaSalle Ramon LLull, UVIC University of Vic, among others.

We think that a fair of these characteristics, which takes place in our city, is a good opportunity to guide our students about their immediate future.

The 2nd year high school students will leave at 11.30am by bus from Les Alzines. On the way back, they can take the bus to school at 2:00 p.m. or they can stay in Girona, as they will have finished the assessment exams on the same day.

Please, on the authorization slip that your daughters will bring you, indicate whether the return will be by bus or if you give them permission to stay in Girona.

 They will be accompanied by teachers.


Anna Farró