1st of Batx Final Exams

Dear families,

The students of the 1st year of Btx will take the final exams from Friday 10th to Wednesday 15th June. During these days, classes are no longer held and students can go home once they have finished the exam / exams.

These final exams are to be able to pass the different subjects of the course, if there are suspended evaluations; or to be able to raise the mark of the average of the three evaluations of the asignaturas of 1r of Btx.

We strongly encourage students who take the exam to improve their grade point average and, therefore, take the exams in different subjects. We remind you that the grades of 1st and 2nd of Baccalaureate have the same value for the final transcript of Baccalaureate.

These days, the Btx students, both of the compacted schedule and those of the non-compacted one, will begin the examinations at 9.00 am.

The lunch service will work the same for all students who use it.

Yours faithfully,

Anna Farró

Btx Coordinator

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