1st and 2nd BTX - Change dates BTX Reflection Days.

Dear families,

due to the great demand for places for the Baccalaureate Reflection Days, these will be divided into two editions.

In this way, 2nd year high school students will be able to attend on Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 November, and 1st year high school students will be able to do so during the initially planned dates, Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 November.

As we indicated in the previous Newsletter, they will take place in Mas del Bosc (Sant Cugat del Vallès).

We will leave school on the first day at 9am. and return the next day at 5pm. to be able to take the bus, if that is the case. The price of the entire trip is 70 euros. Includes bus transport, lunch, snack and dinner on the first day, and breakfast and lunch on the second day. In addition, they will also be given material. Lunch on the first day will be taken from school.

You can make the payment, before November 22, by bank transfer to one of the following current accounts, and send the receipt to: [email protected]

  • ES95 2100 0555 3902 0014 8494 (CaixaBank)
  • ES63 0081 5154 2400 0105 6808 (Banco Sabadell)
  • Concept: Les Alzines Jornades Reflection+Name of the student

Or you can pay via POS (card) at the school's central office, also before November 22.

You will not be able to attend the conference if you have not previously paid for the activity.

In case of not being able to attend the activity, 35% of the total cost of the activity will not be refunded, to cover fixed expenses.

Students who do not attend the Days must still come to school. They will have class, but no subject will be advanced.

Any questions, I am at your disposal.


Núria Vila

Deputy director of ESO and Btx

Ethical leadership