1st, 3rd ESO and 1st BAT - Meeting

14 de Marzo 2024 de 20:30 h a 22:00 h
Col·legi Les Alzines, Cami Vell de Fornells, 2 Girona
How to get

Dear families,

Next Thursday, March 14, we will have the second meeting of parents. At 8:30 p.m. in large 2nd year high school classroom there will be a first general session by the "Aprendamos a amar" organization. This session will explain the content of the Workshops that your daughters will receive on March, workshops that are part of the education of affectivity at school.

The course meeting will then take place by the tutors where various information will be given in order to focus well on this second part of the course.

The spaces will be as follows.

  • 1st ESO: classroom 1st ESO A
  • 3rd ESO: library
  • 1st year of high school: in the same 2nd year high school classroom

The "Aprendamos a Amar" Workshops are sessions organized and carried out by the Instituto Desarrollo y Persona of the Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid.

In the talks, given by the monitors in charge, they speak with clarity and respect, and they respond to the emotional and sexual concerns of the students with language appropriate to their age.

The training workshops begin with an anonymous questionnaire in which each student can ask the concerns they have in this matter. Based on the students' answers, the educators design the training in a personalized way.

We believe that it is a very good opportunity to help students grow in this aspect and be able to have a healthy and happy life.

Yours faithfully,

Núria Vila

Deputy director of ESO and Btx