P3 a 2nd PRIM - Atrium session

The objective of the session is to work with you on the Atrium guide for parents

19 de Febr 2021 de 15:30 h a 16:30 h
Les Alzines, Camí Vell de Fornells, 2 Girona
How to get

Dear families,

As you know, Atrium is the project that we develop in Les Alzines to transmit the faith from 3 to 8 years old. Through the sessions we do in the classroom, we see how their daughters and sons ask themselves questions that seem simple and are often not so easy to answer: Who is God? What is heaven? How do I know that God loves me, if sometimes He wants things that make us suffer: illnesses, the death of a person I love, an accident? Why pray? God hear me? Why do people die? Where are you going? Who is my guardian angel? God loves me even though sometimes I don't behave well?

Accepting the suggestion of some of you, and with the good experience of other years, we have scheduled an Atrium training session for all interested parents. The objective of the session is to work with you on the Atrium guide for parents, and to provide you with resources to be able to walk with your daughters and sons in the discovery of faith, and to answer the questions that they have.

The session will take place next Friday, February 19th at 3:30 p.m.,, it will be online. We will work on some questions related to the season of Lent and the Easter triduum.

You can connect through Google Meet: meet.google.com/qaz-xime-ngi

See you soon!

Ana Brell