GENERAL - Family Pilgrimage

14 de Mayo 2023 de 12:30 h a 16:30 h
esglesia parroquial de vilablareix
How to get

Dear families,

We are excitedly preparing the Family Pilgrimage for next Sunday, May 14. We will celebrate the Rosary and the Holy Mass in the church of Sant Menna de Vilablareix and then we will go to the picnic area of ​​Aiguaviva.

In the Pilgrimage we will especially entrust all the families of the school and their intentions.

The lunch must be brought by each family. The space has neither tables nor chairs, so whoever wants to can bring them.


  • 12:30 p.m. Rosary
  • 1:15 p.m. Sta. Mass in the church of Vilablareix
  • Followed by lunch and family games in the Aiguaviva picnic area (in front of the new Hipra ship)

We hope you all come!

Family team