BTX - Terra baixa

05 de Febr 2019 de 12:00 h a 13:30 h
Teatre Municipal de Girona
How to get

Dear families,

Next Tuesday, February 5th, 1st and 2nd year baccalaureate students will see the play “Terra Baixa” by Angel Guimerà, at the Municipal Theatre of Girona. Students have just read the play since it is compulsory and subject of selectivity. We think that go to watch it will be a good way to complement the reading of this classic of Catalan Literature.

The play will be at 12 pm. There will be class as there is usually until 10.45am. At 11am students and teachers will walk down to be to the theatre at 12pm. Between 1pm and 1.30pm the play will be finished. Compulsory Baccalaureate students will be able to go home and those who have a class in the afternoon will be able to return to school by walking or getting the bus line.