4th ESO Performing Optional subject

20 de Nov 2020 de 09:00 h a 11:00 h
Col·legi Les Alzines, Camí Vell de Fornells, 2 17003 Girona
How to get

Dear families, 

On Friday the 20th of November, and within the Temporada Alta program in Girona, an actor from TeDebat will come to the school to represent the play "Profile of Success" that raises questions about success, recognition and happiness.

The theme of the play will be social networks uses and the effects of the identity that we build, the concept of the image and the freedom (or prison) of the profiles in social networks, earnings and resignations.

Previously, the subject will have been worked on in class through a dossier and there will also be a session after the show with work and evaluation.


Vane Diaz

ESO Coordinator