1st baccalaureate: Cultural excursion

Next Wednesday 31st of October, the students of 1st of Baccalaureate will have their first cultural excursion.

31 de Oct 2018 de 09:00 h a 17:30 h
Barcelona, España
How to get

They will do a guided tour in the Born Museum of Barcelona and then, will visit the Parliament of Catalonia, where they also will do a guided tour.

Student will leave the school at 9am and will come back at 5.30pm. The fact of having arranged the two visits to Barcelona made it impossible for us to arrive before 5pm. We informed about that schedule in the parents meeting and we've remembered it to the students.

Students with the compacted schedule, that day, will not have class at 8am.

Students have to bring snack for lunch.

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