1st, 2nd i 3rd ESO - Misuse of mobile

Dear families of 1st, 2nd and 3rd of ESO:

Since the beginning of this school year, we have had a number of incidents related to the misuse of mobile devices by students. In fact, we sent you a statement some days ago announcing a possible tightening of the measures if we considered it appropriate.

It’s an issue that worries us and we know it also worries a lot of families because that’s how you moved it to us.

Given this situation, and always thinking about the better of our students, the school has decided to modify the current regulations regarding the courses of 1st, 2nd and 3rd of ESO and it has decided that it will be absolutely forbidden to carry mobile phones or other interactive devices at the school from March the 1st, 2021. In this way, non-compliance with this measure will be considered a serious misconduct and the corresponding measures contained in the NOFC will be applied. (Regulations that you have published on the school website)

This new law, like any other, has been approved by the school board.

Those families who consider it absolutely essential that their daughters bring their mobile phones to school for the reason they deem appropriate, will need to sign the parental authorization found at the end of the document, where they will agree to follow the rules detailed below.

 1- Even if you bring your mobile phone to school, it will not be possible to use it from 8.30am to 5.30 pm inside the school (inside and outside the buildings).

 2- Students must deliver it at 9am in a zipped plastic bag, which will be provided by the school, marked with the name and will be returned at the end of the last class of the afternoon. This mobile will be guarded respecting the Covid measures.

 3- Any breach of this specific regulation will also represent a serious fault with the corresponding measures, as mentioned above.

 4- The school will not be held responsible for the damage or theft of any device, as the family has decided that the student should take it to school, and has stated this by signing a parental authorization.

Needless to say, any questions or suggestions, we remain at your disposal and remind everyone that we are training your daughters and this sometimes involves making decisions that are not easy at first, but we hope that they will turn positive and always counting your support.


Nuria Vilà

Deputy Director of ESO and Baccalaureate

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